Sunday, October 27, 2013

Thank ya!

I just wanted to tell all those who auditioned yesterday 'thank you' for your time and efforts! I had a great time and it was amazing seeing faces put to scenes from 'Seven Days Normal.' I'm very close to making my decisions and will be contacting everyone this week with results. However, I have yet to find my female lead, Bo. I think it'll be an 'I'll know her when I see her' kind of thing. To cast this role, I have decided to do another casting call, but I will not hold auditions on a set day or time. I will meet the potentials as I can within a week's time(pending I can with all these rug-rats to take care of), and decide from there. Next will be script and story board planning(that's all me), then most likely a meeting with the actors to set a film date and review the script. I really want to film in December but with finals and Christmas, it's looking more like a January thing. Either way, I'm so very excited and can't wait to get to the next step! Thanks again, and I'm looking forward to working with my actors!