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I'm currently working extensively on one book, and writing a little on a few others.
'Taffy' is about halfway done. I never experienced writer's block with 'Seven Days Normal,' but this one is different. My main character is very complicated, and many times I've found myself wondering what she will say, do or think next. There's not much of me in her, so it's hard to interpret her feelings in a believable way. I'm more like the secondary character, and it's a breeze to bring him to life, and many of the scenes I've written already focus on him. However, I will get it worked out eventually. I have to let chapters randomly come to me, or my work will fall flat. Hopefully they will come soon!

Another title is 'The Trig Files.' This one will take extensive research in the area of psychology. While figuring people out and reading their behavior comes easily to me, again, I have to work on making my main character believable. She's a lot like me, just more well versed because she actually is a psychologist. I've got a few scenes written down, and will work more with this story as soon as Taffy is done and I pick up a few college psychology textbooks.

Third on my list is 'Killing Coyotes.' No, it's not a how-to book, but a young adult novel set in the mountains of Northern New Mexico, a place dear to my heart. Teenage angst is so easy to write, and I'm actually thinking this one will be hammered out very quickly. I just need to develop my secondary character a little more, and it will be ready to go.

'The Romanian and The Soldier' will be my historical romance. Can you say love triangle! I've already written the first two chapters, and the last one too. I know all the characters very well, so I believe this one will be another story that will be finished quickly once I start really going on it. It takes place in New York City, and since I've never been there, and never researched it before, I will have to visit(hint hint to my hubby), and do some reading.

Another I have in my head waiting to be loosed is called 'Experiment 777.' This one will be at least a two part series, and is set very far into the future, in the 'end days.' I'm most excited about this one, but it will have to wait until last, because I want to be very well established before it hits the shelves. Christian Science Fiction has a small following, and I'm hoping it will grow so this work will be more successful and hopefully have a following(I can dream, can't I?). It will be controversial, evocative, and provocative, this I just know. So it's best to wait until I'm a little more seasoned, I think, before it hits the shelves. You'll see why when you read it.

How can I be a Christian novelist and not write my testimony? You better believe God has something big in store for me and the main characters in my life. No matter how things look, no matter who threatens your happiness, and no matter how you feel, God can and will work things together for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. I have been called to His purpose, and I'm being prepared and trained for it down in the valley of the shadow. Not a fun place! But I'm looking forward to how God will turn this into a story for His glory, and I get to write it!

As I get new ideas, I will write them down. These are only the ones that have been brewing for the last several years, and must be released before I explode.