Saturday, June 28, 2014

I Beat Pete: Sporting Clays Challenge

This is totally unrelated to writing, but I want to share it anyways. Sporting Clays is a hobby my husband introduced me to, and even though writing is my first love, I have to admit shooting can be addictive, especially when one starts to get good at it. We own a sporting clays range and the local news featured us on a segment. Enjoy!

I Beat Pete: Sporting Clays Challenge

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Reviews for 'Seven Days Normal'

I just wanted to post some reviews for Seven Days Normal from Amazon. com. They make my heart happy!

Even though I'm not one for love stories, this book drew me in from the first chapters! The characters were amazingly developed, each with their one twists, issues, and perks. I felt like I was floating beside them, knowing their feelings and seeing their actions. Like I was with them through every curve, rise, and fall. The storyline was set up perfect to be inspirational and captivating. There was never a dull moment, never a page nor paragraph that I felt was too dramatic or boring. I believe just about everyone who likes to read would enjoy this fantastically written book!!
Karen Sarkis

This book is amazing. I learned about addiction, and that love can heal anything. This is hands down one of the best books I've ever read. I'm anticipating reading more of Jolee Wilson's work. MUST READ BOOK!!!

This book talks about the ugly truth of addiction, I found myself not wanting to put the book down, it draws you in and you feel connected to the characters.

Thank you all so much for reviewing! If you've read it, review it, even if you don't like it! It helps me hone my skill, which I know needs mucho work. And if you haven't yet, go to YouTube and search 'Seven Days Normal book trailer.' Hits count too! I need all the exposure I can get! Much love to my handful of fans!